Single motif
  Composite motif
  Promoter fetcher



 Last Update:
  September 27, 2017

Tools Description Downloads

Online benchmarks
Composite motif discovery benchmark

Web service for assessing composite motif discovery tools. The benchmark can be used with user-specified methods for composite motif discovery.

(2008)"Assessment of composite motif discovery methods"
Klepper, K; Sandve, GK; Abul, O; Johansen, J; Drablos,F
BMC Bioinformatics 9():123 view article

Motif discovery benchmark

Web service for assessing single motif discovery tools.

(2007) "Improved benchmarks for computational motif discovery"
Sandve, G.K.; Abul, O.; Walseng, V.; Drablos, F.
BMC bioinformatics 8():193 view article

Online tools
Genomic region fetcher This tool fetches genomic sequences for a user specified list of start and stop positions together with chromosome.

MicroRNA gene Prediction

MicroRNA target Prediction

Other tools
Compo Composite motif discovery using discrete models


Gene promoter identification system

Human TFs

Human Transcription factors
Bioinformatics & Gene Regulation
Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, Norway