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 Last Update:
  September 27, 2017

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Bratlie, Marit Skyrud PhD student Genome organisation 72573360
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Summer 2003 I received my Master of Science in chemistry/biotechnology from the Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU). Currently I'm a PhD student at the Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine. My project involves large-scale analysis of genomic data.

(2007) "The smr gene resides on a novel plasmid pSP187 identified in a Staphylococcus pasteuri isolate recovered from unpasteurized milk"
Bjorland, J.; Bratlie, M.S.; Steinum, T.
Plasmid 57(2):145-155 view article
(2005) "Bioinformatic mapping of AlkB homology domains in viruses"
Bratlie, M.S.; Drablos, F.
BMC genomics 6(1):1 view article
(2004) "Alkylation damage in DNA and RNA-repair mechanisms and medical significance"
Drablos, F.; Feyzi, E.; Aas, P.A.; Vaagbo, C.B.; Kavli, B.; Bratlie, M.S.; Pena-Diaz, J.; Otterlei, M.; Slupphaug, G.; Krokan, H.E.
DNA repair 3(11):1389-1407 view article

Bioinformatics & Gene Regulation
Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, Norway