
The creators of MotifLab would like to acknowledge the following sources of contribution and influence:

  • The MotifLab project was supported by the National Programme for Research in Functional Genomics in Norway (FUGE) in the Research Council of Norway
  • MotifLab is an extension of an earlier program called PriorsEditor, which was developed for the specific purpose of creating positional priors tracks for motif discovery.
  • The TOUCAN workbench for regulatory sequence analysis, developed by Stein Aerts, served as a valuable source of influence for MotifLab as it evolved into a more general tool. Some concepts and ideas are even copied directly from TOUCAN.
  • The predefined background models that comes bundled with MotifLab were blatantly stolen from the INCLUSive project at KU Leuven
  • The peak and valley filters of the apply operation were inspired by a paper by Ramsey et al.
  • MotifLab was developed in JAVA using the Netbeans IDE and some of the icons in the toolbar were also borrowed from Netbeans.
  • 99% of the source code for MotifLab was written by Kjetil Klepper relying only on standard Java libraries and the Swing Application Framework that comes with Netbeans. Apart from that, a few statistical functions used by MotifLab were taken from the Math library of the Apache Commons project, a class called ExcelAdapter which facilitates copy/paste between tables were originally written by Ashok Banerjee and Jignesh Mehta, and the class JSearchTextField which displays a textfield with a magnifying glass in front was written by Georgios Migdos. A class for natural order comparisons was written by Pierre-Luc Paour after original C-code by Martin Pool. More recent versions of MotifLab also make use of the Apache Commons IO API and Apache POI.
  • The layout for this web site was created with Artisteer.
    We would like to thank Thomas A. Hafsaas for his assistance with creating the layout.