The creators of MotifLab would like to acknowledge the following sources of
contribution and influence:
- The MotifLab project was supported by the National Programme for Research in
Functional Genomics in Norway
(FUGE) in the Research Council of Norway
- MotifLab is an extension of an earlier program
called PriorsEditor, which was developed for the specific
purpose of creating positional priors tracks for motif discovery.
workbench for regulatory sequence analysis, developed by Stein Aerts, served as a valuable source of influence
for MotifLab as it evolved into a more general tool. Some concepts and ideas
are even copied directly from TOUCAN.
- The predefined background models that comes bundled with MotifLab were
blatantly stolen from
the INCLUSive
project at KU Leuven
- The peak and valley filters of
the apply operation were inspired by a paper
by Ramsey
et al.
- MotifLab was developed in JAVA using
the Netbeans IDE and some of the icons
in the toolbar were also borrowed from Netbeans.
- 99% of the source code for MotifLab was written by Kjetil Klepper relying only on standard
Java libraries and the Swing Application Framework that comes with Netbeans.
Apart from that, a few statistical functions used by MotifLab were taken from the Math library of the Apache
Commons project, a class called ExcelAdapter which
facilitates copy/paste between tables were originally written by Ashok
Banerjee and Jignesh Mehta, and the class JSearchTextField
which displays a textfield with a magnifying glass in front was written by
Georgios Migdos. A class for natural order comparisons was written by
Pierre-Luc Paour after original C-code by Martin Pool. More recent versions of MotifLab also make use of
the Apache Commons
and Apache POI.
- The layout for this web site was created with Artisteer.
We would like to thank Thomas A. Hafsaas for his assistance with
creating the layout.