Regulatory Genomics Special Interest Group (RegGenSIG)
Special Interest Group (SIG) at ISMB 2015
July 11, 2015, Convention Center Dublin, Ireland
SIG Hours:

Regulatory genomics involves the study of the genomic "control system", which determines how, when and where to activate the "blueprint" encoded in the genome. Regulatory genomics is the topic of much research activity worldwide. Since computational methods are important in the study of gene regulation, the RegGenSIG meeting focuses on bioinformatics for regulatory genomics. An important goal of the meeting is to foster a collaborative community wherein scientists convene to solve difficult research problems in all areas of computational regulatory genomics.

RegGenSIG is an activity of the ISCB Special Interest Group for Regulatory Systems Genomics, (, a community of shared interestthat has multiple activities and interactions throughout the year, rather than solely meeting during the ISMB conference. An important goal of the SIG is to foster a topically-focused collaborative community wherein scientists communicate with one another on research problems and/or opportunities in the area of computational biology as it pertains to regulatory and systems genomics. The SIG holds two meetings per year, (1) RegGenSIG and (2) The RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory and Systems Genomics and DREAM Challenges.


To make an oral presentation at RegGenSIG, extended abstracts (2-3 pages) should be submitted by April 27, 2015. Based on the submitted abstracts, each author will be invited to make either an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Authors will be notified by May 8, 2015. For poster presentations, authors should submit a 250 word abstract no later than May 18, 2015. Author notification will occur no later than May 25, 2015.

RegGenSIG 2015 - Extended abstract

RegGenSIG 2015 - Extended abstractTo make an oral presentation at RegGenSIG, extended abstracts (2-3pages) should be submitted by April 27, 2015, to Finn Drablos (


Extended abstract:

To make an oral presentation at RegGenSIG, extended abstracts (2-3 pages) should be submitted by April 27, 2015, to Finn Drablos (, with Subject "RegGenSIG 2015 - Extended abstract".

Poster abstract:

To make a poster presentation at RegGenSIG, poster abstracts (250 words) should be submitted by May 18, 2015, to Finn Drablos (, with Subject "RegGenSIG 2015 - Poster abstract".


The general schedule for RegGenSIG is as follows:

Program Saturday, July 11th - for the Regulatory Genomics Special Interest Group (RegGenSIG)

8:30-8:35 Introduction

8:35-9:55 Epigenome

9:55-10:15 3D GENOMICS

10:15-10:45 Break

10:45-11:25 3D GENOMICS (continued)

11:25-12:05 VARIATION

12:05-1:50pm LUNCH (from 12:30-1:30pm) + POSTERS


3:30-4:15pm COFFEE (from 3:30-4pm) + POSTERS

4:15-5:35pm MOTIFS

5:35pm-5:45pm Concluding Remarks

Invited Speakers

Boris Adryan
Barak Cohen
Philipp Bucher
Ho-Ryun Chung
Sushmita Roy
Bartek Wilczynski
Feng Yue

RegGen SIG Organizers      
Finn Drablos, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim, Norway,
Lonnie Welch, Ohio University Athens, United States,
Saurabh Sinha, University of Illinois Urbana, United States
Stein Arts, University of Leuven, Belgium
Morgane Thomas-Chollier, Institut de Biologie de l'ENS (IBENS), Paris, France
Jason Ernst, University of California, Los Angeles, United States,

List of Posters



Charles Lin

Medulloblastoma regulatory circuitries reveal subgroup-specific cellular origins

Francisco Azuaje

The integrated analysis of the dynamic transcriptional network of heart regeneration in the zebrafish: Biological insights and connections to mammals

Roger Pique-Regi

CENTIPEDE: application to ATAC-seq footprinting of DNA:protein interactions

Annika Jacobsen

Modeling the regulation of β-catenin by Wnt stimulation and GSK3 inhibition

Jan Van de Velde

Inference of transcriptional networks in Arabidopsis thaliana through conserved non-coding sequence analysis

Jonas Ibn-Salem

Co-regulation of human paralog genes in the three-dimensional chromatin architecture

Mark Heron

Learning nucleosome binding energies

Niklas Mahler

The regulatory landscape of Populus tremula

Peter Rogan

Discovery of primary, cofactor, and novel transcription factor binding site motifs by recursive, thresholded entropy minimization