A note regarding the upcoming version 2.0, called MotifLab:

PriorsEditor (v1.0.x) will continue to be updated with bugfixes, but no new functionality will be added to the current version of the program. However, a version 2.0 with lots of added functionality is under development and will be released sometime during 2011.
Some highlights of this new version include: module discovery, integration of more datatypes (such as gene expression data and TF interaction data) and new analyses which can be output in table- or graph-formats, including GC-content analysis, motif-occurrence analysis, motif-overrepresentation analysis, etc. In addition, version 2.0 supports 64 bits floating point precision (compared to 32 bits in version 1.x), and overall performance has also been improved.
The new version will have somewhat less focus on positional priors (although all of the same functionality will still be available) and will be marketed as a more general workbench for motif discovery and regulatory region analysis. To reflect this, we decided to give the program the more general name MotifLab.

You can visit the web site for the new program here


Update log for PriorsEditor

2011-05-301.0.11 Fixed multiple bugs (including a serious bug affecting sequence masking with higher order background models) and also improved the speed of output to text files (this improvement is substantial for large datasets).
  • Printing: It has come to our attention that the print-functionality (which was based on standard Java APIs) did not work well for text-documents. Therefore, in version 1.0.10 the printing of text-documents is done through external programs.

  • Fixed serious bugs:
    Corrected type assignments for increase/decrease/weight/divide operations in protocol
    Corrected wrongful deletion of singular regions in the merge-operation
    Corrected non-functional import of MotifCollections from file
    Corrected (or rather improved) precision problems when copy/pasting integer values into tables
    Fixed bug which could cause deadlock when aborting external programs and made stop-button more responsive

  • Fixed minor bugs:
    Corrected 1-pixel offset bug for draw tool and improved functionality somewhat
    Corrected a few spelling mistakes
    Proper initialization of dialog for statistic-operation
    Fixed bug in suggested default names for target data in dialog for execute-operation
    Selection should now work all the way to the end of the sequence window on all scales
    Fixed protocol bug for selection windows
    Fixed NullPointerException in Add External Program from Repository Dialog
Web Start
  • Fixed a few serious bugs
    (Bugs in increase/decrease/weight/divide operations with respect to Numeric Variables)
  • Added citation information
Web Start
  • Fixed a few (somewhat serious) bugs
    (Setting proper visualization settings for new motif tracks, proper update of track visualization after conversion and restrictions on data type conversions)
  • Updated Jaspar and Transfac motif files
  • Various minor bugfixes
Web Start
  • Added functionality to search for repeated patterns (direct or inverted) in DNA sequences
  • Various updates and minor bugfixes
  • Minor updates and bugfixes
  • Added "external programs repository" to External Programs Dialog.
    Download XML-configuration files and install external programs without leaving PriorsEditor
  • Added support for multiple output data objects from External Programs
  • Show/hide individual sequences (and collections) in the Visualization panel
  • Added BED-format support
  • Added support for BioProspector motif discovery program
  • "PWM match" filter in Motif Browser. Search for motifs whose PWMs match a given DNA string
  • Added possibility to assign colors to motifs in the Motif Browser
  • Added more example sequences in Sequence Dialog
    (press the Example button several times to cycle through different gene sets)
  • Fixed various minor bugs
  • Fixed bug in 'convert' operation
  • Fixed a few minor bugs and annoyances
  • New tools: Motif browser and Motif Score Filter
  • "Condensed mode" for visualization
  • Conversion to motif track
  • Improved the XML-configuration-file format for external programs
  • Added support for Weeder and MDscan motif discovery programs
  • Creation of PWM from short aligned sequence segments in the Motif dialog
  • Mismatch search
  • Added HTML-based output-format for motifs
  • Improved protocol keyword coloring
  • Fixed various minor bugs
2010-03-231.0.0First release of PriorsEditor
* For versions marked with an asterisk, the "save/load session" functionality is not compatible with previous versions.