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 Last Update:
  September 27, 2017


Below is a list of members of the Bioinformatics & Gene Regulation group. You will also find a link to former members of our group.

Names Former position Current location Telephone e-mail
Former members+47
Abul, OsmanPost doc.
Anderssen, EndreResearcher Microarray analysis 72573131
Andreetta, ChristianMaster Student
Berdal, MarianneMaster student
Bolstad, KjerstiMaster student Transcription factor based regulation
Brands, StefBachelor student
Bratlie, Marit SkyrudPhD student Genome organisation 72573360
Capatana, AnaPost doc.
Hveem, TarjeiProgrammer Radiumhospitalet
Håndstad, TonyPhD student ncRNA-based regulation 90609379
Klein, JörnPost doc. ncRNA-based regulation
Kusnierczyk, WacekPost doc. ncRNA-based regulation
Leis, SimonBachelor Student
Lones, MichaelPost doc.
Lundbæk, MariePhD student ncRNA-based regulation
Mocnik, RokPhD student
Muiser, IweMaster student Genomic browser tools
Razick, Sabry
Ryeng, EinarProgrammer HPC / user support
Saito, TakayaPhD student ncRNA-based regulation 72574609
Sandve, Geir KjetilPost doc. Transcription factor based regulation
Schwalie, PetraMaster Student Classification of genomic regions
Skaland, EvenMaster student ncRNA-based regulation
Snøve, OlaPost doc. Aker ASA
Solbakken, Trude Interagon
Sponberg, BjørnMaster student Transcription factor based regulation
Tøndel, KristinPost doc.
Wang, XinhuiPost doc
Zakeri, GhazalMaster student
Current Members

Bioinformatics & Gene Regulation
Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Trondheim, Norway