How to view the peaks in the UCSC genome browser 1. Go to the UCSC genome browser, 2. Select "Genome Browser" link 3. Select "add custom tracks" 4. Browse to the website containing the peak-profiles. They are grouped into catalogues for each transcription factor (NRSF, SRF and Max) and again in "positive","ambigous" and "negative" peaks. Select a peak to display 5. Select "Submit". You should now get an overview with the following 5-7 tracks. - a positive strand: profile for tags mapped to positive strand (displayed in green) - b negative strand: profile for tags mapped to positive strand (displayed in red) - c combined and shifted: tag profile for the shifted and combined strand tags (displayed in blue) - d classified peak: region where a peak has been evaluated. Colours are green for true peaks, blue for ambiguos peaks and red for false peaks. If no peak has been evaluated, no track will be displayed - e classified site: Evaluated potential binding sites. Colours are green for true sites, blue for ambiguos sites and red for false sites. By clicking on a site, the pwm-score for the site (scaled from 0 to 1000) is displayed. A value of 0 means the site scored below the enrichment threshold - f background track: background tag profile for both strands combined (displayed in black) - g replicate track: replicate tag profile for the shifted and combined strand tags (displayed in blue) 6. Select "go to genome browser" to display tracks